Night Shots • Tests • 25Nov04

By Todd Madson, Copyright November 2004, All Rights Reserved.

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Taking night pictures that actually show something interesting and somewhat artistic.

The biggest problem is capturing something in motion without getting it blurred or excessively over/underexposed.

Konica-Minolta Dimage Z2 (4 MP).

The Tree Shot:
The shot with the tree is taken with the camera lying on its back on top of a mailbox post pointing straight up thru the tree. The light on the trunk is from a neighbors porch light. Exposure time was about 15 seconds, f-stop was probably 8.

The Cisco Router shot:
The shot of the DSL modem shining its leds onto the monitor base was taken in a completely dark room, 8-10 second exposure, F-stop is 8.0 I believe.

The Train Shots:
The shots of the approaching train were all taken at the same time including the last shot of the time lapsed shot of the factory. Exposure time is around 15 seconds but F stop varies. You'll notice excessive blurring in the first shot. A little too long an exposure and a little overexposed.

The Factory Shot:
I believe the last shot was completely wide open with the longest exposure with the camera body resting on the vehicle.

This is an ongoing experiment of which the last has not been heard.

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